Ooskiihsh ahkwaahkw (Eclipse)

Ooskiihsh ahkwaahkw (Nanticoke) translates to “when the sun goes dark.” An eclipse is a celestial event with different interpretations by Indigenous communities.

The 2024 solar eclipse was an opportunity to be mindful of the different beliefs and traditions that Indigenous people have recognized around these events. And, as the moon passed between the sun and earth, to be respectful of the land you’re on and the stories it holds.

Sources: Syracuse University, The Cherokee Nation, The News and Observer, NPR, Navajo Times, Smithsonian, Project Gutenberg, Onondaga Nation, Native News Online, National Portrait Gallery, The Bill of Rights Institute, National Park Service, Navajo Traditional Teachings, AP, NASA, Space.com, Institute for Diné Culture, Philosophy & Government, LLC